The Rupani government has finally put the final stamp on Lord Jagannath's rathyatra. After an earlier cabinet meeting at Gandhinagar, the rathyatra to Ahmedabad has finally been approved subject to certain conditions in view of the Koro epidemic. However, as soon as this news was received, the citizens were overjoyed. It may be mentioned that last year, Nath was not discussed due to Corona and the chariot of God was rotated in the temple premises. However, devotees are excited to get conditional approval for the rath yatra this year.
Permission to take out rath yatra as per Corona guideline
Importantly, everyone from the devotees to the Lord had hoped that a procession of Lord Jagannath would be held or not. Then finally the Rupani government has taken the most important decision in the matter of rath yatra. The Rupani government has allowed the rath yatra to take place as per the Korona guideline keeping in view the faith of the devotees.
Rathyatra cannot be held on public roads in Rajkot
It is to be noted here that the Rajkot Rathyatra which is held every year has been changed this year. That is, there will be no rathyatra on the city highways this year by the ISKCON temple. Rathyatras will not be taken out on the highways due to the Koro epidemic. But the rathyatra will start in the temple's Patangan. Only monks will be present in the procession that will leave the temple. Devotees cannot be present in this rathyatra. This rathyatra of God has been organized for the last 20 years. This time it has been changed due to the Corona epidemic.
It is worth mentioning that Ta. Rathyatra of Lord Jagannath will be held on Monday 12th July. The city police has already been equipped with this. The city was also patrolled by the police while a police briefing of 3000 policemen was held at Dariapur police station. Local police, SRP and home guard personnel will be informed about the area and the route of the rathyatra.
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